May 4, 2020

Engagement photos at the White Cliffs of Conoy / Marietta, PA / Karah & Jonathan

Engagement Photos

Karah & Jonathan first contacted us because they were interested in my husband's wedding videography skills, (they weren't looking for a photographer). So it's a running joke in our family now that they only booked us because of my husband ;) haha! I'm SO glad they decided to use us for photography on their wedding day as well! 

I remember Karah mentioning to me that her and Jon wanted their engagement photos done in February. I was like February?? LOL nobody ever wants their photos done in February! But I was so excited about this because January-March we aren't as busy and couples tend to want their photos in the spring or in the fall and then we get super slammed all at once. So it was nice to just be able to focus on these two :) 

Sometimes it's tricky to find a pretty location to photograph in the winter, however I was thrilled when Karah said they wanted their engagement session to be done at the White Cliffs of Conoy. You can't go wrong with the cliffs - they look awesome in any season! 

I usually tell girls not to wear heals for the cliffs because you have to walk 1.5 miles to get there, (and then walk back), so they can always bring cute shoes to change into if they still wanted photos with their heels. Before I met up with Karah & Jon for their engagement session, I had another event I was coming from and I wore heels. I totally forgot to bring a change of shoes for their session so I had to do the hike in heels!!! Haha, at least they were comfy ;) Also, when I was telling them about how stupid I was for wearing heels to the cliffs, Jon was confused...he had no idea that we had to walk so far to get to the cliffs, Karah forgot to mention it to him!! LOL Jon was so sweet though and had an amazing attitude about the situation.  

I absolutely loved getting to know these two better on our long walk to the cliffs. Karah was super prepared with what specific locations she wanted and she even had outfit changes for each of them! I let people know that if you want to do an outfit change or two, that is totally fine, but it does eat into your time a little bit. Karah had 2 outfit changes she wanted to do and she said she would be fast - she wasn't kidding!!! These two are pros at quick changing ;)

First stop: the bridge

second stop: the archways

I actually love the look of the graffiti on the walls, however...I had to edit out SO many inappropriate things...I thought I got them all, but I ended up missing one of the inappropriate drawings at first on a bunch of the photos and Karah had to poin it out to me afterwords - we have a good laugh about it!!

Smoke bombs! So unpredictable, lol. I talked through this amazing plan with Karah & Jon about how they were going to pose and what we were going to do, and then when they pulled the wire off the smoke bombs there was just this huge cloud of smoke! I couldn't even see them and it took awhile before it died down and I was able to get a shot like this next one....which I love! And Karah was such a good sport - a spark came off of the smoke bomb and apparently burned a little hole through the bottom of her dress!! I was horrified, (because that's never happened before!)! But she was totally fine with it and couldn't stop laughing! That's just another example of how easy going these two are <3

Third stop: the ruins

I am so glad someone finally wanted to get some photos with these amazing walls - I was having so much fun! It also doesn't hurt to have a good looking couple to work with ;)

I don't know what kind of plant this was, but I liked it :) I also loved that it had some of the red color in it that matched Karah's dress. Since Holly wasn't able to come along with me to this session, Karah & Jon assisted me with this ring shot - Jon was holding the branch down for me, and Karah was spotting the ring. We got some good behind the scenes shots for sure ;) 

fourth & final stop: the cliffs

They never disappoint :)

Karah & Jonathan, thank you for being so easy to photograph! I had so much fun hanging out with you both just seem like wonderful people <3 I am even more excited for your wedding this fall now after meeting you :) I hope you are able to still wedding plan through all of this virus ordeal - stay safe!
